Thursday, May 28, 2009

PAST the 100 day mark

WOW, like my previous blog stated....time is going so fast. Day by day little Parker gets bigger and bigger...and so do I:)

Her and I are two peas in a pod. I have been having so many vivid dreams of her at different stages in her life with all kinds of different looks. Kevin's Curly hair with my coloring. My color hair with Kevin's coloring....It is so fun dreaming about her. I sometimes can't wait to fall asleep.

I am loving this time together and want it to speed up because I can't wait to hold her, but yet stay slow so I can enjoy my pregnancy longer.

Parker...we only have 99 days left until I get to see your beautiful sweet little for now, keep growing at your healthy pace and swimming and kicking around. We will see each other soon...xxoo Mom

On another quick note......
Feeling all lovey dovey... this music project, "Playing for Change" is truly inspiring and Parker and I have been having fun listening to these amazing songs. They have looped together musicians from all around the world playing songs like "Stand by Me" and "One Love." From famous artists like Bono to a homeless man in New Orleans, they have them all performing. MUSIC CAN BREAK DOWN BARRIERS. enjoy.


Mandy Kay said...

i am LOVING that you are having such a positive pregnancy experience! i am SO SO happy and excited for you three!!

Erin said...

You are so adorable and I love that you are enjoying your pregnancy so much. I've said this before, but you're going to be such an amazing mommy.