Sunday, October 3, 2010

100 YEARS of Cowboy FUN

There are MANY photos...sorry it's too hard to pick when I took 600 photos..

On our way to Parker's first parade to kick off Round-Up with Grandpa and Grammie K
Waiting ....
AND...she wanted out to walk around before the parade began
Queen and her court

Loving every minute.
Awesome antique cars
Happy Canyon crew
Dancing floats
BEST slogan for a local business EVER
AN awesome John Deere showing
Local ag showing was a successful parade!!
Boots and dogs!
One of the best places to eat and play in town
Handsome hubbs

New gated entrance and newly painted stadium
Indian Village outside the arena
Cowboys getting ready to ride! btw..I caught they guy on the left in a below picture during his awesome RIDE!
Grandma Debbie, Kevin and Parker before the Wednesday rodeo
Pendleton Round Up Queen!
More cowboys...getting ready in the chutes
Loving it!
I want to eat this face!

AWESOME! Guy we took an earlier pic with!!!
Outside the arena
Inside the arena
The Mohrland girls and Johnson girls:)

She was obsessed with the horses...we need more animals!
Last feeding before Parker went to spend the rest of the weekend with Grandpa and Grammie K
The crew this year: The Hubers and Riggelmans! SO FUN!
Before the Friday rodeo began...
New stands and bridge
Big crew!!!
Mike and Jamie Huber..xxoo
Michaela and Pete Riggelman...xxoo
Pete, me, and Kevin at Hamley's
Cowboys getting ready before their ride
Traditional Indian dance on Saturday before the last day of the rodeo
Last day! WHAT.A.BLAST.
The third week in September in Pendleton Oregon is not any 'ol ordinary week. It is a week of no school for local kids, cowboys, and good 'ol rodeo fun! Kevin has been bringing me to this wonderful town and its traditional rodeo since I was a sophomore in college, and this year was pretty special. You see, this year was the 100 year celebration of one of the oldest rodeos left in the country....and the town and festivities did NOT disappoint.

You see, when I was back in college and I told my girlfriends that I was heading to Pendleton for the rodeo, there was not a laugh unheard in the room. But, I have to admit, not ever living in a small town for a long period of time, there has always been something about this place that is never changing and true testament to the tried and true American way. From the hard working farmers and local businesses, to the broncing bulls and Let er' Buck attitude.....that makes this town a flashback in time.

Over the years we have brought many friends from all aspects of life to experience this place...and there is NOTHING like the Pendleton Round-Up. The town really outdid itself for this years celebration. New grandstands, seating, newly paved streets and grand gated entrances...the whole place was oooozing a patriotic trance that we all fell captive to.

This is a tradition that will live on in our family. Who knows...hopefully our kids and grandkids will be there for the 200 year...I sure hope so......

Seriously...if there's one thing to put on your bucket list people...this event is one of them....


Matt and Teresa said...

So fun! I love all your cowboy and cowgirl outfits... especially Parker's.

Lyndsy said...

The family pic of the three of you is soo cute! What a nice weekend!