Friday, June 11, 2010

Visitors and milestones

Kristin Eastman and us down at the Rose Festival waterfront park

Reading Parker's favorite book, the Dog book!
She is super excited here:)

Katie, Taylor and a very content Parker
couldn't resist posting this cheek picture, I cannot stop kissing those cheeks
Geeking out that she stood all by herself!
hangin' with my pups, this is a daily occurence
my heart melted when I took this picture yesterday

What a great past week we have had. My very very good friend Kristin Eastman flew down from Wenatchee. She is 7 months preggers with a baby girl and is just ADORABLE. We had a wonderful time showing her Portland. I swear her and Parker had a secret little language going, maybe it's because they share the same birthday. And get this, their daughter is due on Kev's birthday (aug 20th). Crazy I know! Kristin's theory is that she thinks Parker is going to be a marine biologist as she loves sea creatures (really all animals, screams at them) and loves to make really weird gurggling sounds. She also said Parker sounds like a sea otter. So there you have it:) I have been trying really hard to get the sound on video to share with you all....soon.

Sunday we went to a friends house for a farewell bbq. Sadly we move back and friends of ours are now moving to Vegas. Wish we could have spent more time with them before they left. At the bbq, Parker had a great time playing with all the kids:)

Then on Monday our good friend Katie and her fiance Taylor spent the night on their way up to Seattle from LA. They are getting married next weekend in Seattle and we are super excited to go and celebrate with them. She is a very good friend and it is always like no time has passed when we see each other.

On to Parker Milestones. Crawling, standing, furniture climbing, and a tooth!!! All within the past two weeks. Well she has been scooting for awhile, but now is really getting her butt up and crawling. She also has surprised us when we go to get her in the morning or after a nap and she is STANDING. There is such a look of satisfaction on her face! So we lowered the crib again, last night.

I cannot tell you enough how much I am enjoying everyday with her. She's developing such an adorable little personality and it is so fun how she interacts. I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful baby. Sorry about the sappiness, but it is true, and I feel blessed.

For now, those of you reading this in the NW, I think we are supposed to finally have a sunny weekend! Man oh man are we do. Hope you all have a good one, wherever you are.



Erin said...

LOVe, LOVE, LOVE that last photo of baby Parker - her eyes are stunning and skin so perfect. When are you coming to SEA next??? Miss you and your baby girl.

Lyndsy said...

That last picture of Parker is seriously so gorgeous! Her eyes are incredible!!